Friday, February 1, 2013

Valentine's Day Inspiration

Tomorrow we're taking the boys to do a Valentine's mini session with Brandi from Immeasurable Moments Photography.  I'm so excited!  I have their outfits all ready to go, now let's hope they cooperate! :)  Since it's officially February now, I thought I'd share some great Valentine's day ideas I've found recently.
This link is seriously the treasure trove of cute valentines for kids.  I can't wait for school parties! :)

And how adorable is this newborn shoot?  Oh my word, I need a Valentine's baby!  Ok, not really, but this is too too cute!! ;)
I pretty much love anything with a chalkboard!  Must be the teacher in me. ;)  I might try a DIY version of this with the boys and their flirty little Valentine's Day tees. :)

And if you don't have kids, here's a neat idea for a couples session.  Gorgeous!  Check out the link below for the full post with even more great ideas.  Think "The Notebook" themed session. :)
Do you guys have any neat ideas to share?  I know Pinterest is bursting with them, so if you have a favorite, please share the link in the comments section! :)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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