...to a Pregnant Woman :)
"There's something about seeing a pregnant belly that makes even the most civilized people forget their manners." I saw this statement from http://www.womansday.com/ and wanted to shout, "AMEN!" It is so true! And all these lovely comments come when women are already self-conscious about their ever-changing body. Not to mention emotional, hormonal, etc. :) What kills me the most, though, are comments from women who've had children of their own. I mean, come on! Think before you speak, people! ;) So, as a helpful reminder, here's a list of things never to say to a pregnant woman!
10. "You're obviously due any day now!" (Meaning: You look huge.)
9. "Boy, you look tired." (Meaning: You look awful.)
8. "Was it planned?" (Meaning: Are you crazy?)
7. "BEEP! BEEP!" ("Jokingly" said by my husband as I was backing up. *Ahem*)
6. "Mind if I grope your belly?" (Just kidding! Most people don't ask for permission before they grope you.)
5. "Are you sure you aren't having twins?" (Meaning: You look really huge.)
4. "Oh, wow! You've really gotten big!" (Really, I mean, really?!?!)
3. "Enjoy your last few months of freedom/sleep/what-have-you. Because once the baby's here it's ALL OVER!" (No scary stories, please!)
2. "Anything yet? It seems like you've been pregnant FOREVER." (Meaning: You've looked rough for a long time now.)
1. "You really shouldn't…drink caffeine/exercise/sit in a hot bath/etc." Because you find once you become pregnant, everyone is an expert! (even if they haven't had kids themselves)
(Source: http://www.babyzone.com/pregnancy/life-in-the-pregnancy-zone/top-10-things-never-to-say-to-a-pregnant-woman_205441.)
Note: This is not an all-inclusive list. Please exhibit common sense and courtesy when speaking with a woman who is with child. ;) And if you aren't 100% sure that she is expecting, don't say anything at all! :)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Monthly Baby Pictures
We started taking pictures of Blake every month from one month until he turned one year old. For his second year and those that follow, we'll only be doing every three months. :) So far we have his 15, 18, and 21 month pictures. It's so hard to believe that he will be turning two in June! It's going to be a crazy few months! :) And here's a collage of Blake's monthly 'Watch Me Grow' pictures! :)
Chic & Cheap Nursery has an article featuring five unique ideas for monthly baby pictures! You can view all of the pictures and ideas here: http://www.chiccheapnursery.com/2011/chic-baby/5-monthly-baby-picture-ideas/.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Maternity Photography
So, it's almost that time again! I'll be 34 weeks next week, and my wonderful sister Chelsey will be doing maternity pictures for us! :) Check out her page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/CapturedPhotographycpChelseyParker. I always like to have some ideas in mind going into a photo session, so I hit Pinterest and Google for some inspiration. Apparently, fully-clothed maternity sessions are not very popular these days. ;) Despite that fact, I managed to find some adorable ideas!
All images via http://pinterest.com/search/?q=maternity+photography.
Friday's Featured Space
I love how bright and fresh this nursery is! The gorgeous rocker, window treatments, pictures, chandelier, and crib are amazing! :) And the curtain panels are actually the same fabric we're using for Cole's crib sheet and a few other accessories in his nursery, Grass Trellis from Serena and Lily: http://www.serenaandlily.com/Fabric/Signature-Patterns-Trellis-Grass.
Such a happy, unique space! :)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Personal Decorating Style
We've been in our first home for almost three years now, and during that time, I feel like my personal tastes and decorating style have changed quite a bit. If I were to redecorate right now, every room would probably look completely different. And in addition to my changing tastes, I promise I think I have multiple personalities when it comes to decorating! ;) I love so many different looks, styles, colors, etc. For example, I think all of these living rooms pictured below are amazing, and there's quite a range of styles and colors going on! :)
Now, there are definitely some styles, trends, and looks that I just don't like. And then there are others that I look at and say, "I like that, but I'm not sure I would ever want to do it in my own home." Can you relate? For some reason, it's much easier for me to help other people with their homes than it is to make decisions about mine! :) Decorating a home can seem daunting, and identifying your personal design style is a great place to start! I've always said that my personal style is transitional, but I thought it would be interesting to see what my results on a style quiz would be. So, according to HGTV.com, my personal style is "Classic Casual, AKA Transitional. A mix of contemporary and traditional. Usually updated, graceful, enduring." Interested to see what your personal decorating style is? Take the quiz at: http://my.hgtv.com/style-finder/stylefinder.esi?qid=1&returl=null.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Tuesday's Featured Space
I am seriously drooling over this gorgeous kitchen designed by Caitlin Wilson! I love everything about it! Absolute perfection!
Check out more of her amazing work on her website at:
or her blog: http://caitlinwilsondesign.blogspot.com/.
Breaking Free
Yesterday I put together this collage for my facebook page. Notice a theme? :)
As you can tell, I like blues, browns, and neutrals. Maybe a little too much! ;) And although some may say the "brown and blue" fad has passed, I still love the color scheme. Always have, probably always will. :) However, I am determined to break free from my addiction as I decorate Cole's nursery! ;) I just keep looking at pictures of great navy spaces to bolster my courage, like this one from Rikshaw Design: http://rikshawdesign.blogspot.com/2011/06/rikshaw-navy-nursery.html

I think I can, I think I can! ;)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Thursday's Featured Nursery
This nursery is perfect for a little boy, and will be so easy to transition to a toddler room and even a big boy room! I love the striped accent wall, the subtle transportation theme, and the color scheme! Perfection! :)
For more pictures and details, visit: http://projectnursery.com/projects/connors-nursery/.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
To Buy or Not to Buy
I don't know about you, but my favorite stores started bringing out their spring collections right after Christmas, or so it seemed. ;) I've been itching to get my hands on some cute spring outfits but wasn't sure what size I'd be. :) I'm still wearing my "normal" clothes at the moment, but I know I'll be needing a few maternity items soon, so I decided to check out Motherhood Maternity. They didn't have a great sale selection in the store, but they did online...and they were buy one get one free! So, I ordered four cute tops and anxiously awaited their arrival. :) They came in yesterday, and I was so excited to try them on! And guess what? None of them fit! They were all way too long, and I don't usually have that problem since I'm 5'7". Not only that, but even though they were all the same size, two were way too big. Maybe it's just me, but actual maternity clothes are not very flattering. They always look so cute in the pictures, though! I swear it's because they have size 0 models with fake bellies. They are not real pregnant women! ;) Anyway, Blake and I went out to return my disappointing purchases and I decided to run in Old Navy since we were right there. :) And, lo and behold, in the regular misses section I found a ton of pieces that were adorable and flattering! Hallelujah! :)
And here's Blake having fun in the dressing room :)
I also found a few nice things for Josh while we there. They have a great selection of adorable clothing for little girls too, but not so much for the poor little boys. Shocker! ;) And for any of you who are also expecting, Old Navy at Lynnhaven has a maternity section. I haven't checked it out yet, but I will definitely be doing so in the near future! :)
Spring Home Decor
Playing outside. Long walks. Ice cream. Flowers. Sunshine. Spring is here, and I'm loving it! Besides spring cleaning, this beautiful season makes me want to add some color and life to our home! Here are some wonderful, inspiring home decor finds for spring! :)
All of these items can be found at http://www.etsy.com/. HAPPY SPRING!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Tuesday's Featured Space
I fell in love with this living room the first time I saw it on HGTV a few years ago. Joi of Nuestra Vida Dulce, http://www.daveandjoi.blogspot.com/, has also been featured on the Nate Berkus Show, Design Sponge, Houzz, and many more. Be sure to head on over to her blog to see more amazing makeovers and DIY projects. This room definitely proves that you can make a neutral room interesting and fun by adding pops of color and various textures and patterns! :)
So inspiring! :)
Monday, March 19, 2012
Spring Family Portraits
Choosing outfits for family portraits can be difficult sometimes. You know, because you want to match without looking like you're trying too hard to match and coordinate without looking exactly alike. And if you're like me and overthink everything, then it gets really fun! ;) I found this great inspiration board that might just be the color scheme I use for our upcoming family photos. :)
Source: http://www.faberphotography.com/
If you're having a hard time choosing outfits for family photos, http://whattowearguides.com/ is an amazing resource with inspiration boards for every month and holidays! :)
Spring Fashion
Tomorrow is the first day of spring! :) There are so many great styles out for this spring, but, as always, there are considerably less choices for the mama-to-be. And by considerably less I mean next to nothing. ;) However, I have found some cute items recently, so I thought I'd share some of my recent purchases and a few extras as well! HAPPY SPRING!
2.) $34.99, http://www.target.com/p/Liz-Lange-for-Target-Maternity-Sleeveless-Maxi-Dress-Black-Camel-Cream/-/A-13933261#?lnk=sc_qi_detailimage
3.) $49.99, http://www.apeainthepod.com/Product.asp?product_Id=116949007&MasterCategory_Id=9996
4.) $39.95, http://www.dsw.com/shoe/kelly+.and.+katie+tupelo+patent+sandal?prodId=dsw12prod3760148
5.) $79.95, http://www.amazon.com/JJ-Cole-Collections-Theory-Diaper/dp/B002VJYEAK
6.) $11, http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/x6.aspx?deptid=70737&catid=83560&grptyp=PRD&itemid=1e0506f
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Sweet Shoppe
I've always LOVED the Sweet Shoppe theme, which is no surprise since I have a serious sweet tooth! ;) I used the theme for my classroom door and bulletin board one month when I was teaching. :)
This adorable theme would also be perfect for a baby shower or a sweet little girl's birthday party! :) Here are two gorgeous Sweet Shoppe birthday parties! You can purchase this party collection from chickabug on Etsy at http://www.etsy.com/shop/chickabug.
For more pictures and details, visit: http://www.chickabug.com/blog/2010/07/sweet-shoppe-party-chloe-and-sophie-are-1.html.
For more pictures and details, visit: http://www.chickabug.com/blog/2010/11/sweet-shoppe-party-berkley-is-1.html.
LOVE! :)
LOVE! :)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Thursday's Featured Nursery
I love this adorable nursery with a subtle transportation theme...and so does Blake! He's pointing and yelling "CAR" when I found these pictures earlier tonight. :) I guess we know what to do when I redecorate his room. ;) There are a ton of budget-friendly DIY projects in this room, including the gallery wall of transportation art from istockphoto hung in inexpensive Ikea frames.
But my favorite project has to be the wainscotting, which is actually just strips of plain MDF topped with casing, nailed and glued to the wall and then painted white. It's an inexpensive way to add an expensive, custom look to the room. What a great idea! Now if I can convince Josh to try it in Cole's nursery...I mean, wouldn't it look amazing with the navy walls? ;)
For more images and details, check out Janette Droust at http://janette.drost.ca/2012/03/calebs-nursery/.
But my favorite project has to be the wainscotting, which is actually just strips of plain MDF topped with casing, nailed and glued to the wall and then painted white. It's an inexpensive way to add an expensive, custom look to the room. What a great idea! Now if I can convince Josh to try it in Cole's nursery...I mean, wouldn't it look amazing with the navy walls? ;)
For more images and details, check out Janette Droust at http://janette.drost.ca/2012/03/calebs-nursery/.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Splurge vs. Save Fashion
Josh and I are house-sitting for my parents yesterday when we realize that we left an extremely essential item at home: Blake's binky. :) We're working on taking it away completely, but right now, he still gets it at bedtime. So, on our way back from grabbing a bite to eat, we decide to stop at the nearest place that sells pacifiers. On my journey to the baby aisle, I pass some incredible deals that were really cute as well. I always love to find great bargains that look like they're really expensive. I also like expensive things that look really expensive, but they're not always quite as practical. ;) Anyway, I thought I'd share my finds along with their fancy couterparts. :)
Toddler's Argyle Vest
Difference of $20.57
(Splurge vest from Gymboree)
Striped Blazer
Difference of $71
(Splurge jacket from Ann Taylor Loft)
Leopard Print Espadrilles
Difference of $141.26
(Splurge shoes from Nine West)
Would you like to know where all of the bargain picks came from? You might be as surprised as I was to learn that you can find all of these bargain items at your local...
Who knew? :)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Beautify Your Walls
I have yet to find the courage, or the patience ;), to stencil any walls yet. But, one of these days, I am going to! :) There are so many options to choose from, and I love them all! The hard part would be deciding which one to do! :)
For even more styles, check out Royal Design Stencils on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/royaldesignstencils?ref=top_trail.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Newborn Photography Ideas
I just recently edited some newborn pictures that were taken for my best friend by my sister. :) Chelsey did an awesome job, and Sophia is adorable! This is one of my favorite shots from the session:
I just love newborn pictures! I've also been searching for ideas for our quickly approaching newborn session with Immeasurable Moments Photography. :) Here are some ideas I'm loving!
A brother shot! So sweet :)
Baby blocks :)
Oversized clock set to the time of birth :)
Family shots in the nursery :)
A big brother/little brother shot :)
I can't wait for our session! Let's just hope Blake and Cole cooperate! :)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Dwell with Dignity
Dwell with Dignity is a non-profit group whose mission is to "help families escape poverty and homelessness through design; one household at a time." Their goal is to "bring good design to those less fortunate, inspiring them to maintain a standard of living they can be proud of and thrive in." Here are a few examples of their design work:
Gorgeous, right? :) And so inspiring! I've always prayed that the Lord would help me find a way to use my passion for design to touch other's lives. Dwell with Dignity is an awesome example of how that can be done! To learn more about this amazing organization, visit their website at: http://www.dwellwithdignity.org/.
Amazing DIY Projects
Chic & Cheap Nursery has put together "2011′s Best DIY Projects for the Nursery", featuring twelve inspiring DIY projects. One of my favorites is the painted rug tutorial:
Amazing! :) To view all of the DIY projects and tutorials, visit: http://www.chiccheapnursery.com/2012/do-it-yourself/best-of-2011-diy-projects/.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Wednesday's Featured Space
I love this room! It's simple, classic, and perfect for a little boy! And it's definitely confirmed my love of the navy/green color coimbination. That and the hubby deciding that he doesn't like aqua for Cole's room. At least one of us can make decisions. ;)
For more pictures and details, visit: http://projectnursery.com/projects/blue-and-green-big-boy-room/.
Birthday Party Inspiration Board
I'm getting excited about Blake's 2nd birthday party! I put together this inspiration board with some of the items I plan on using. :) While I'm searching for ideas, Blake is sitting on my lap, a car in each hand, watching Disney's 'Cars', and shouting out "car" every time I find something with a car on it. I do believe I now have both 'Cars' and 'Cars 2' completely memorized. At least they're cute movies! ;) Well, Blake should really enjoy this birthday party, because little man sure does love his cars! :)
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Tuesday's Featured Nursery
I love this room! The colors, furniture, curtains, rug, mirrors, and oversized frame are gorgeous! The rocker throws me off a little bit, but it's still a room fit for a princess! :)
For more pictures and details, visit: http://projectnursery.com/projects/calm-elegance/.
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